Thursday, June 23, 2011

Raising independent kids

I'm not sure if the title of the blog fits what I'm about to write.

My little twin stars are now 1 month to turning 4. Time flies, i'm already missing the NOW THEM watching them grow bigger, taller and smarter every day.

My husband and I bought them a twin stroller that is the front and back type. We used the stroller for several months and put it in the store when the twins began to show their dislike being pushed around. They were a year and a half then. Since then, I have tried to avoid going shopping or anywhere that requires a lot of walking with them. My back just couldn't do it. Whenever we had to, my husband would usually volunteer to carry them both. I pitied him but he seemed happy doing it other than his frequent requests for a back massage before bed.

Since then, I've been training my daughter to walk on her own whenever we went shopping. Surely she would tire easily, I would then pick her up to let her rest and then tell her after a while that mummy's back was hurting carrying her so she would have to walk. It was the same with my son. No doubt, it was not easy in the beginning because they were so small then, but after a while, they got used to it. Nevertheless, I couldn't help feeling bad every time I let them down and told them to walk. It didn't help when other toddlers were being pushed around in strollers by their mummies or daddies. What they didn't know was, many people were very impressed seeing them walking on their own, holding my hand, sometimes carrying small and light shopping bags.

I haven't thought about this for a long time, but lately this thought keeps coming back. Was I being to harsh on my children? I've seen many, and I mean MANY parents pushing their children around in strollers, and some of these children are no longer toddlers, they looked like four or five-year-olds. I have also seen a five-year-old being carried on the back of the maid. ( I knew his age because I know the parents and we were together then.)

So the question is, have I been too harsh on my kids? Was it the right thing to do?

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